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The Circuit is about a family that crosses the frontier to go to work from Mexico to California and they look for money everywhere. The protagonist of the novel is Francisco that is the son of the ones who croosed. His major enemy, or the antagonist of the novel would be "la migra" or their poverty because they don´t have much money to live. Francisco wrote his own book talking about his live and what he suffered in his childhood. he narrates the story in Mexico and in California, USA and his is very descriptive of or about the climate. He passed through several problemsin which go a part to another, live with economic problems and seeing his friends with money.


This story is a very brief narration of how it feels and how it looks to cross illegaly the frontier and work for surviving with low amount of money. The story is a real life version story of the live of the author and shows us that innocent people think that crossing would be good and it isn´t like that. They work for little amount of money. I would recomend this book  to someone who needs money and wants to cross to another country to work and show them is not a good idea. 


The Power of Six by Pittacus Lore is the 2nd book of I am Number Four saga and its about 9 kids that go away from their planet Lorien. They are chased by the Mogadorians and there is an order of the ones that should be killed. the narration is told by the number six that goes with four and the rest to kill the Mogadorians too. the number four, "Jhon Smith" has no cepan that is the protector that was killed. Four went out from Paradise, Ohio that was where he had his girlfriend.  Number seven lived in a convent with her cepan but she left it because she fell like Mogadorians were near. They are allways chased by Mogadorians. All of the Lorien People (the ones that survive) fight together and had a victory on the final fight. 

I think this is an interesting book because the fiction was converted into real live. This is a really good saga in which each of the nine Loriens that sirvive tells their side of the story. They had to go from place to place because the Mogadorians percieved the smell and may found them. Pittacus Lore caught our attention making this saga romantic with action. This is an exelent book that I would recomend because of the fiction that seems to be real.



The Enders game is a very good book that is about a man in the future called Ender Wiggin that waits to be a real warrior. To the attack of the insectors the goverment started recluding children with a lot of intelligence, that was the characteristic that made up all Wiggin. He finally goes to the next step tah is to train in an spaceship, after been suposelly removed of the war school. He goes then to the final step that is to g to a big simulator. While a time there he simulates it two times. Then a lie came up saying that it was the last simulation and he would be the greatest warrior and he won by the eyes of another expert who saved the world time ago. Ender with many expectations won and then knew this was the real war and he killed all the insectors. He then saves the last insector that was actually a queen and gave her a home. 


I think it was a really good book That should be reccomended and the movie is very similar to the book and should be reccomended as well. I think it has many action and very creative because the children that were warriors then to defend the whole world. 

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